【参考答案】<br> 1. The new form of cloning refers to the cloning of human embryo, which can lead to the growth of spare body parts. The purpose of such cloning is “therapeutic”, that is, to use the technology to treat some fatal/life-threatening diseases or repair damaged/bad organs.<br> 2. Cons: The negative views consider such technology is “very disturbing” and “intrinsically evil”, they equate it with “replicating a living human being”. / they hold that it is not different from cloning a human being. /Pros: The positive views hold that the purpose of such cloning is to treat and cure fatal/life-threatening diseases and it is within the “current regulation” and will not be used for wrong purposes.<br> 3. Technically the cloning of human embryo is no longer a problem and what is needed most in the development of such technology is funding.<br> 4. As human skin, bones, muscles, nerves and vital organs all grow from embryonic stem cells, the discovery of such cells will lead to the growth of spare body parts for “repairing damaged organs”